Certified Instructor Program

Things to know about the Certified Instructor Program

  • Program is 26 years old – started in 1986
  • Thousands of people have been trained on the Network Planner.
  • Giving others tools with which they can re-shape their own life is the key ingredient of this dynamic training program.

Who should become a Certified Instructor?

The New Life Planner and training program are as much about Energy Work, as they are about teaching a new discipline. Within, this new disciple, people learn how to rethink and reevaluate what they want for their lives. This creates a new Energy for them, about them and around them.

If you are one of those individuals who are committed to helping others to reach their potential; and are willing to teach the basics of this program consistently; but who would also like to be able to add your own special flare, then YOU should teach this program!

How does Network Planning, Inc help me to teach this program?

First, you will come to our home office in Jacksonville, FL for a week of training. During that time, you will learn how to teach this program.
Second, you will leave with the following materials:

  • Presentation CD –
  • Teachers Manual,
  • Enough supplies to earn the price of your Certified Instructor’s class back.

Other Information:

  • We are always available to answer questions.
  • You may return for any week’s training for a nominal seat charge, for meals provided or any materials you may want to purchase again.

What Materials will I receive?

  • The Presentation on CD??????
  • The Teachers’ Training Manual
  • 10 sets of materials

Cost $3,000 or $5,000 for the program? Therefore 10 sets? At 300 or 500
respectively? Then need to talk about 1 -31’s given in the planner – as well as # of CR’s, GR’s, ER’s, FR’s,
and Weekly Task Sheets????????????
(Communication Recaps, Goals Recaps, Event Recaps, Financial Recaps – I think 10, and Weekly Task Sheets – 4 or 5? )

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